The Screenhubb Marketplace brings together hundreds of top retailers and proven, credentialed providers enabling members to shop for exactly the right product or service for them. All products and services are offered at competitive prices with simple contracting and account set-up procedures.
For example, if a member wants to compare instant drug screening kits, a quick search yields a variety of designs, configurations, minimum orders, prices, and shipping options as well as images of the product and the product’s package insert.
All different kinds of businesses including collection sites, laboratories, and TPA’s maintain Screenhubb accounts. This allows our users the ease of maintaining a single interface and single invoicing system for all their testing and screening needs. Our specialized account management tools are designed specifically for the needs of the screening industry and allow members to:
Discover a flexible, powerful solution that brings together the diverse components of the
screening industry into a single, transactional network of buyers and sellers.
Become part of the industry’s first national network of buyers and sellers that will ultimately
connect and empower everyone associated with the drug-testing business.