Struggling to find sources of new business?
Your free listing in the industry’s premier on-line marketplace can be customized to highlight your particular areas of strength, qualifications, and the services you provide. You’ll be able to manage new clients utilizing efficient contracting and account set-up tools and procedures.
Tired of receiving, reviewing, processing - and re-processing - hundreds of invoices?
Experience the convenience of having all orders processed through the Screenhubb system consolidated in a single payment screen. Sort and review your account by Order Number, Patient ID, Client, Vendor, Date Range (oldest to newest or newest to oldest) or Status.
Click on any Order to drill down and see associated details: client name, the user who placed the order, the date the order was placed, the date(s) the order was fulfilled, all documents confirming the successful completion of the order, vendors involved in processing the order and their pricing. You can pay hundreds of vendors with a single click of the mouse and import all Screenhubb payment information into your accounting software.
Want more satisfied clients and a more productive staff?
Screenubb can dramatically improve the overall experience for your customer by allowing them to track the real-time status of their orders as they proceed through the collection, testing, and review process. You’ll be able to reduce your workload and provide your customers the tools to manage their own orders, freeing your staff to focus on customer relationships.
Discover a flexible, powerful solution that brings together the diverse components of the
screening industry into a single, transactional network of buyers and sellers.
Become part of the industry’s first national network of buyers and sellers that will ultimately
connect and empower everyone associated with the drug-testing business.